Thursday, 5 March 2009


Hey guys, I know I have been away for awhile..well, ok not awhile.. a very long time...Anyway, I decided that since I am now in Brisbane, and have lot of free time on my hands..I'll try to start blogging again...Hopefully, this time I will be more frequent, not once in a blue moon...

A lot of things have happened since I last blogged..The biggest of them all, is relocating to Queensland, the Smart State (I swear I am not making this up). Packing and moving was stressful, but I will spare you the painful details of my moving, and just say that all my stuff (according to my dad, junk) and I have safely arrived in Queensland:D So, obviously I had to change uni...Can't be flying back and from NSW everyday (that's like crazy, but imagine how much Frequent Flyer points I'll get). Anyway, I applied for QUT (Queensland Uni of Technology) and got in...Not in to Optometry though...I am currently doing dentistry...Nah, just joking...Lol...I am doing a double degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and Human Movement...Human Movement is more about exercise and stuff (I didn't know what it was either). The uni is worst than UNSW, obviously...cos the population of international students is like half of the population of international students in UNSW.

My new uni is devided into two campuses...actually there are four....but I only have classes in two (thank god for that). One is in the city and one is further from the city. My main campus is the one further out. It's not bad, small...but the buildings are confusing...When I first arrived, I was confident that I could find my way around...If I could find my around in UNSW, it's no sweat that I can find my way around in QUT...Up to date, I have lost my way around about 10 times, no joking...wanna find tandas also susah...So, now I carry a GPS system with me...Not so canggih la...A uni map for both campuses...and a compass...and some camping gear and food bars in case I get lost for more than a day...Lol...Anyway, you catch my drift about how confusing the place the buildings...I think they are trying to train us up so we can participate in the Amazing Race...

Lectures and tuts are fine...Not so stressful in UNSW...I have Mondays off...So proud...Never had a day off since I started uni...Deeanna got into Queensland Uni and now is doing Vet Science...Evengeline is now in Year 5 and is on the student council...How she got the post is an interesting story...She charmed the teachers with her cuteness...Well, no..she got it by default...She kapt bugging the teacher to give it to her till the teacher gave it to her to shut my sis up...Well, not true also....She wasn't the class first choice, some guy got it at first, and the...lucky her...he died...So, the position was given to another girl...who wasn't my sis...She didn't want it..and so my desperate sister got it...The end....That's the true story..Ok, except for the part whether the dude died, he didn't die...He just got transferred...just wanted to make it more dramatic...

Anyway, so that's most of the stuff that has been happening...Ryan and I are still together...No, he is not in Queensland, but still in Sydney...Yes, it is very hard for us...we do it by phoning each other every night...My mom is still working for Big W Vision Care, and my dad is still "grapeping" (anggur=grape...Menganggur=grapeping). I am now in the library, waiting for my lect to start...It's Biochem...So, I know it will be super exciting:(

I'll try to post more when I have the time and materials...Take care, sweets....till later:D

3 cupcakes:

Genieve said...

you are doing nutrition and dietetics now? thats cool! but no one to do my glasses anymore.

whens the new house coming?
oh and why the smart state?

Beatrice said... if you wanna know anything about dieting and exercising...Come to me...My mom can always fix your glasses:D The house will be completed in May...I dunno...Every state has one...Victoria, the place to be.

estelle said...

You and Kaijia will have lotsa things to talk about when you girls meet, she's doing nutrition and dietetics.

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