Thursday, 2 April 2009

Rain, rain, go away...

Today the weather is crap...

It has been raining cows and pigs (don't see why I need to use cats and you see cats and dogs falling out from the sky??) for ages...Using umbrella also is almost useless...The winds like playing games...First it blows from the front, then when you move your umbrella to shield your wet face, it blows from the back, so you shield your soaking back instead...Then, the mean mean wind blows from the right side...Then the left...So by the time you get indoors, it looks like you just held your umbrella as a fashion accessory only. And your hair, which you spent half an hour straightening looks like Pn Chuan's hair (without the bald patch la, of course)

So, I think the only way to stay dry in this weather is to wear a long raincoat...Yup...A long dorky looking raincoat. It helps you stay dry and you get your hands free...But is staying dry worth being looking dorky for?? Till later....

1 cupcakes:

Genieve said...

its damn hot here.

I want rain!

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